On Dec 13, 2007 12:53 PM, Tom Rosso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Dec 13, 2007 9:51 AM, Richard Stallman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > What's really going on is that you are helping them use the non-free
> > software, which grants it legitimacy.  That is what I object to.
> I don't believe anybody who has followed this thread over the last couple
> days could misunderstand your opinion on references to non-free software in
> a distribution.  But I don't think I've seen a post from a single person on
> this mailing list who agrees with that opinion.  If I'm wrong, let me know.

That would be  because this is BSDLand, whereas Richard lives over
there in GPLLand.  I'm sure things would be reversed if this thread
were to take place over in GPLLand (and it would look even more
differently in RedmondLand).

I don't actually think Richard is "diss'ing" OpenBSD.  That has not
been my impression all this while.

One big problem (beyond the current discussion) is that people seem to
want to throw all the Linux issues onto Richard's shoulders - and I
think he clarified pretty well above - if it's a FSF/GNU sponsored
program, he'll speak up about it, but otherwise, he'll only speak up
if he was asked to.  In the last bruhaha about firmware and
relicensing - remember this, Richard and Linus don't see eye to eye on
things - why would people even link Richard to that issue?

And for all those people who keep trying to say that OpenBSD doesn't
support ports - we do.  If we put it out, that's the support already.
But - seriously, as a project, do we need the validation from

Now, on the other hand, the question for Richard is this - if OpenBSD
includes ports (on the CD), which is not an installable option, which
the FAQ discourages you from using, how different/worse is this from a
linux kernel that allows blobs to be installed?  This is, of course,
based on the assumption that you can load modules into gnewsense's
running kernel.  It may be that the option has been turned off (or
unable to load tainted modules).  If the kernel is compiled to retain
the ability to load tainted modules, isn't that just as bad?

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