>     Not calling someone unfriendly and just focusing on the 
>     conversation/technical details at hand, would be much more friendly.. 
>     even considering friendship wasn't the subject of discussion in the 
>     first place.
> Someone else attacked me on this list for not discussing this with
> Theo.  I explained the reason in the gentlest way I could think of.
> If you wish we were not discussing the subject, you had best take it
> up with him.

There is nothing to discuss with me.

Richard claimed that there is non-free software in OpenBSD.  That is
not true.

It is no more true than Linux being able to run commercial binaries.

The ports tree is just a scaffold.

Richard, you are wrong.  You said very clearly in your interview that
the ports tree contains non-free software.  It does not.  It is just a
scaffold of Makefiles containing URLs, and an occasional patch here or

You are just plain wrong.  And you are not enough of a man to admit
that you are wrong.

I may be unfriendly at times, but you are a power-misusing
hypocritical liar who attacks projects that try harder than any
others to only make free software available.

Shame on you.

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