On 11:06:09 Dec 04, Bob Beck wrote:
>       Personally, I think if I were starting from square one, I'd
> do port numbers, not service names, but that's not the way it's
> been for many years and even though my preference would be numbers
> my loathing for yet another option far outweighs this preference.
I personally feel service names are better. I can better relate when I
see pptp, http or ftp instead of 1723, 80 or 21. Again this is dependent
on personal preference and is really inconsequential.

I feel it is important that any product/software does not change its
behavior once it gets entrenched in the market.

Moreover it is yet another option as Henning correctly said.

We don't want to be linux? Do we? ;)

>       So, I'd prefer not to see a knob for this. The change
> does not warrant the churn.

Quite right.

Have a nice day!


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