On Tue, Dec 04, 2007 at 10:16:27AM -0500, Douglas A. Tutty wrote:

> Could you be slightly more specific?

perhaps checking vulnerabilities reported compared
to other products. see also how frequent the fixes are,
since some bug fixes can also improve security
(some bugs can be used as security holes and openbsd
did teach us that many bug fixes that have not been fixed
somewhere else can become security problems later, sometimes
even monthes later). im not saying anything about exim in
the matter, i am not competent on this domain. just some
clues and trying not to talk out of my ass
(is that theo's flamethrower i see in the corner ? I'm
outta here!)

unzip ; strip ; touch ; grep ; find ; finger ; mount ; fsck ; more ;
yes ; fsck ; umount ; sleep

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