On Nov 27, 2007, at 12:02 PM, Bambero wrote:

When i type:


I have to wait 5 min to see the Midnight Commander. After comannd it
hangs and it's ready to work after 5 minutes.

[[ This probably should have been reported to ports@ rather than misc@ ]]

Bambero, I'm an 'mc' fanatic running it under 4.2. There is no problem
for me.

My "wild analytical guess" about your problem is this:

One of the two panes of the mc display is logged into some remote
device or file system -- nfs, ftp, unmounted disk, etc. Something.
And that file system is not active so mc tries after each command
until it times out.

Was that a good guess?

Jack J. Woehr
Director of Development
Absolute Performance, Inc.
303-443-7000 ext. 527

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