The wxwidgets version in packages for 4.2 is fairly old - wxwidgets 2.6.3 and it was apparently built using lots of the assorted string functions that the OpenBSD gcc pisses and moans about. If I link most anything to wxwidets get a raft of warnings - making it hard to see if there are any ne wproblems that I have introduced.
I tried pulling the newer 2.8.6 version out of ports in the hope that might be cleaner but it does not seem to build. Has anyone cleaned up wxwidgets or am I stuck trying to ignore/filter all these warnings ? Thanks -- Dave Lynch DLA Systems Software Development: Embedded Linux 717.627.3770 [EMAIL PROTECTED] fax: 1.253.369.9244 Cell: 1.717.587.7774 Over 25 years' experience in platforms, languages, and technologies too numerous to list. "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein