On 11/23/07, Anders Langworthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a Sharp MP30 notebook that won't boot on OpenBSD/i386.  I am
> unsure if my situation is a bug or unsupported hardware.  The issue
> seems to be the CPU.  It is a Transmeta Efficeon processor at 1.60 GHz.
> The processor is supposedly Pentium Pro (686) compatible.
> Below are two console outputs.  The first is the console output for an
> attempt to boot the system from a -current install42.iso as of a week
> or so ago.  Naturally since it never gets past the CPU, it isn't very
> lengthy.  The second is the dmesg from the same system booting
> NetBSD/i386, purely for purposes of system hardware information.  By
> attaching this I am not making a qualitative judgement in any
> form, nor am I implying that just because the system will boot NetBSD,
> it should also boot OpenBSD.  With that out of the way, we proceed:

can you build and boot a kernel with option CPU_DEBUG in the config?

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