Ok .
here i go

i have red the misc list upside/down and right to left , but i can't find a solution to my problhme

Here is the LAn/WAn network

192.168.0/24(lan)-->Netgear DG 834 (adsl + NAT + ipsec +ip fix A)
| <---WEB--->
Openbsd 4.2 (ipsec.conf+isakmpd.policy+ip fix B+ NAT) -->

Very simple : lan to lan VPN between 2 GW (DH834 & Obsd)

Here are the conf :

netgear :

local lan :
remote lan :
direction : initiator & respond
mode : main
diffie-Hellman : Groupe 2 (1024)
local id : IP wan
remote id: IP

Crypto algo : 3DES
Algo auth : SHA-1
pre shared key : 123456789
SA life time : 36000
active PFS

Openbsd :

ike dynamic esp tunnel from IP_B to IP_A \
       main auth hmac-sha1 enc 3des group modp1024 \
       quick auth hmac-sha1 enc 3des group modp1024 \
       psk 123456789
ike dynamic esp tunnel from to peer IP_A \
       main auth hmac-sha1 enc 3des group modp1024 \
       quick auth hmac-sha1 enc 3des group modp1024 \
       psk 123456789

     i have tried passive & dynamic for ike esp .. it's the same


KeyNote-Version: 2
Authorizer: "POLICY"


pass in quick on $ext_if1 proto udp from $IP_A to $IP_B port {500,4500}
pass out quick on $ext_if1 proto udp from $IP_B to $IP_A port {500,4500}

pass in quick on $IP_B proto esp from $IP_A to $IP_B
pass out quick on $IP_B proto esp from $IP_B to $IP_A

pass in quick on enc0 proto ipencap from $IP_A to $IP_B keep state (if-bound) pass out quick on enc0 proto ipencap from $IP_B to $IP_A keep state (if-bound)

pass in quick on enc0 from to keep state (if-bound) pass out quick on enc0 from to keep state (if-bound)

i have a rule for nat on $IP_B

enc0 is up and running

i start my vpn with

isakmpd -dv -D 8=99

And Finally here is the Trouble , i got this on isakmpd console

151330.400513 Negt 30 message_negotiate_sa: transform 0 proto 1 proposal 0 ok
151330.400933 Negt 20 ike_phase_1_validate_prop: success
151330.401046 Negt 30 message_negotiate_sa: proposal 0 succeeded
151357.435134 Default transport_send_messages: giving up on exchange peer-IP_A, no response from peer IP_A:500

And this on the DG834

Fri, 2007-11-23 14:13:30 - [idle] initiating Main Mode
Fri, 2007-11-23 14:13:40 - [idle] STATE_MAIN_I1: retransmission; will wait 20s for response Fri, 2007-11-23 14:14:00 - [idle] STATE_MAIN_I1: retransmission; will wait 40s for response Fri, 2007-11-23 14:14:40 - [idle] max number of retransmissions reached STATE_MAIN_I1. No acceptable response to our first IKE message

and then i have this sequence always and always

I can't find where is the trouble ....

i have tried with tcpdump... with : echo "p on" > /var/run/isakmpd.fif and tcpdump -r /var/run/isakmpd.pcap -vvn

But i find nothing revelant...

HELP would be welcome !

I can give the TCPdump ouput ... but this mail is long enough for the moment ....


*  ~~~~~ Jean-christophe ROIRON ~~~~~   *
*      Conseil Giniral Haute-Loire      *
*          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~           *
*         Service Informatique          *
*         Responsable Technique         *
*                                       *
* Tel : 04-71-07-42-24                  *
* Mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]                    *

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