On 13:04:56 Nov 22, Reyk Floeter wrote:
> i'm sure that somebody told you about the reason to reject these patches:
> it does not belong into the kernel!
> write a userland proxy.
> like ftp-proxy, tftp-proxy, hoststated, ...


> how hard is it to understand?

It sure isn't.

> there are zillions of insane features in linux but we don't care - it
> is not the OpenBSD way of doing it. they do string operations like SIP
> parsing (which looks like HTTP) in the kernel. so what?

A million thanks for your kind advice.

Here is a promise. You shall have the patch from me sent to tech@ before
Dec 15.

A lot of poor souls have been asking this feature for years and  a lot
of sweat and blood has gone into my writing it. So I better try my best
to get it accepted into mainline pf at the earliest.



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