Is it possible to use CBQ as a weighted round robin queue when the
upload bandwidth is highly variable?  This is on FreeBSD RELENG_7 which
I believe uses pf from OpenBSD 4.1

Example queue idea:
Root Queue (1Mbps)
    big_spenders (500Kbps, priority 5, borrow)
    normal_folk  (500Kbps, priority 3, borrow)

Based on my reading of the FAQ it would seem that if your actual upload
is less than the queue is configured for the queue would always be
congested.  ""Queues with a higher priority are preferred during
congestion over queues with a lower priority as long as both queues
share the same parent""

In this case does the queue act like a simple priority queue and abandon
the normal_folk queue as long as there is data for the big_spenders
queue or will it act like a weighted round robin queue and prefer the
big_spenders but also pass some traffic from normal_folk?

I also want to allow either queue to be able to use all available
bandwidth.  Putting borrow on both should work correct?

Here is my situation... I'm running a shared access satellite system and
some people are willing to pay more than others.  IP addresses are
statically assigned and I would like to assign people to queues based on
how much they are willing to pay.  I want to give the big_spenders a
boost when the connection is busy but I don't want to block the
normal_folk completely in the process.  Any suggestions are welcome.

Thank you for your time,
Jonathan Stewart

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