> Depends which routes you take. You probably want 1GB if you receive
> full routes. Given there's no cisco tax on RAM here, this is quite
> viable. :-)

here's my view of full routes w/1GB of RAM and 4.2:

24164 root       2    0 8344K 8752K sleep    poll     13:00  0.00% bgpd
15092 _bgpd      2    0   44M   44M sleep    poll      9:46  0.00% bgpd
27914 _bgpd      2    0  936K 1296K sleep    poll      3:11  0.00% bgpd

load averages:  0.20,  0.17,  0.16                                     13:50:43
17 processes:  16 idle, 1 on processor
CPU states:  0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.2% system,  5.1% interrupt, 94.7% idle
Memory: Real: 75M/232M act/tot  Free: 769M  Swap: 0K/0K used/tot

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