On Thu, Nov 15, 2007 at 01:57:50PM -0500, Piet Slaghekke wrote:
| Ok thanks now it works!
| so If I want to remove the user account and all the user files on the system
| I use  userdel -r
| Can I also use the rmuser command for this?
| How do I write a script to do this and run it from a csh shell,  in other
| words what line do I need in the script to tell the system to run it in a
| Bourne Shell?


while read USER
        userdel -r ${USER}
done < /path/to/userlist

If you want to use rmuser, simply substitute userdel -r with rmuser in
the above "scriptlet".


Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd


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