On Sat, Nov 03, 2007 at 07:47:27PM +0000, Adrian Fisher wrote:
> How much modern computer hardware is fully open source or at least has fully
> open interfaces that allow anyone to create device drivers?  I Sun and

I've made one that implements wireless comms... ronja.twibright.com

> another company (Anglo-Italian firm Simply-RISC) released a processor based
> on Suns offering but has anyone else?  Would you be more inclined to buy a
> machine based on open source hardware rather than proprietary products such
> as Asus, Intel and AMD?

For example, my CDROM works only when you give it a hard hit when it's trying
to read the CD.  I would like to change the charging strategy of my battery.  I
would definitely rather buy open source HW than a closed source one because
this way I'm not in control of my HW.

Someone even attemped an open source single board computer which already works
but the development apparently doesn't go on for years.

I asked Stallman and he said that open source hardware is not a moral
imperative, that only open source software is. If more people have this
opinion then no wonder there is no open source PC.


> A.
> http://www.sun.com/processors/opensparc/
> http://opensourceblog.itproportal.com/?p=166

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