On 3/11/2007, at 9:59 AM, Chris Zakelj wrote:

Kenneth R Westerback wrote:
ASC/ASCQ 0x11/0x06 would appear to mean "CIRC Unrecovered Error".
These values are listed in /usr/src/sys/scsi_base.c, line 1207 and
following. The error text is left out of install kernels to save

Kenneth obviously followed my thought processes and posted more or less exactly what I found ...

That explains the *what* (sort of), but not the why. Given that this occurs on four different systems, with four different drives, with upwards of eight different IDE cables (both 40- and 80- conductor), and that it's across multiple releases and multiple CD's, there has to be something I'm doing wrong. I'm just at a loss as to what.

... but it doesn't really give you any pointers.

I cannot see what what you are doing wrong that would affect the installation - have you tried following the instructions TO THE LETTER? From your previous post, it would seem not ... (not saying that you are doing anything wrong, just something different.)


Initial label editor (enter '?' for help at any prompt)
> n a
mount point: [none] /
> p
device: /dev/rwd0c
type: ESDI
disk: ESDI/IDE disk
label: WDC WD800JD-00LS
bytes/sector: 512
sectors/track: 63
tracks/cylinder: 255
sectors/cylinder: 16065
cylinders: 9729
total sectors: 156301488
free sectors: 151027065
rpm: 3600

16 partitions:
#                size           offset  fstype [fsize bsize  cpg]
 a:          4208967               63  4.2BSD   2048 16384    1 # /
 b:          1060290          4209030    swap
 c:        156301488                0  unused      0     0


If you follow the instructions to the letter (obviously you'll end up with a rather large home partition ...) do you get the same behaviour? I cannot see how HD partitioning would affect CD reading; but assume nothing until proven.

Do you know what these messages below (from your dmesg) actually mean - would they have any impact (unlikely, I know, but worth checking?) Anything similar in the other machines that fail? What brands / BIOSes / CDs / DVDs on the other machines - anything in common there?


pciide0: channel 1 disabled (no drives)

pciide1 at pci0 dev 8 function 0 vendor "SiS", unknown product 0x0183 rev 0x01: DMA (unsupported), channel 0 wired to native
-PCI, channel 1 wired to native-PCI


Sorry if this is not particularly useful - but I'm trying to figure out what is is that you do differently to me - I have have installed 3.8 onwards on i386 from 475 Mhz to 2.x Ghz via CD successfully most of the time (one bogus CD and one burner - see below - that didn't like OpenBSD.)

Seems unlikely that you'd be unlucky enough to have 5 bogus CDs or BIOSes, or CD/DVD drives (I did have one DVD burner that OpenBSD did not like - sporadic errors *like* yours but too long ago for me to say for certain - but Windows seems happy enough with the drive.) Or maybe you have really upset someone somewhere? 8-)

Can you borrow a CD / DVD burner from someone else?

I'll leave it at that - I would try following the instructions to the letter just to eliminate that; then you'll have to try other CD/DVD drives.

The more I think about it, the more my brain is telling me that the issue I had with the DVD burner gave me the same behaviour as you are reporting - boots OK, initial installation OK, fails on installation of sets. But might be a false memory from thinking about it too long! I bought a Pioneer DVD (more expensive that the Dick Smith's one) and it did not work with OpenBSD - but it was OK with Windows. Got the cheaper drive, and all was well. But can you really be that unlucky to get *FIVE* CD/DVD drives that don't work?

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