
I realize this isn't directly OpenBSD-related, though believe I came across a 
message in misc a while back that discussed including a reply-to field in mutt.

Lately I have been having difficulty getting my mutt mail to successfully 
deliver to several addresses. Google mail doesn't accept it, Yahoo mail 
automatically puts it in the spam/bulk folder.

I checked the full headers and found:
X-Authentication-Warning: (myhostname): sean set sender to (alternateaddress) 
using -f

My guess is due to that warning other accounts block or spamify the email upon 
delivery, not really sure.

In any case, maybe I could fix that by just placing my actual account email 
address in the "set from" field of the .muttrc and put my alternate address in 
some type of "reply to" field. I don't know if that would solve the so-called 
spam problem though.

It'd be nice if the emails I send to family, friends, colleagues, are 
successfully delivered.

Thank you for any advice on this!


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