On 02/11/07 10:03  Edd Barrett wrote:
> Hi,
> As it stands hotplugd does not respond to the insertion of CD's
> (obviously, as the cd device is not attached as such), but I reckon
> this would very convenient if it did. I have been poking around in the
> cd driver source code, to try and find a decent place to send the
> hotplug driver a cd event, but I am no kernel hacker, and I am not
> even sure that this is the way to go about it.
> Can anyone offer any information about how this could be done, or even
> why it shoud NOT be done if that is what you think and what IS the
> correct thing to do?
> On another note, it would also be useful to allow users to mount
> directories not owned by them. As it stands if you want to allow a
> user to mount a cdrom drive, they each need thier own mount directory.
> This is not convenient if many users are going to use a system, would
> you agree? Sure, you can configure sudo, but you can't get apps like
> KDE for example, to use it. Can you see the possibility of changing
> this so that the group may mount the cdrom, or even a 'user' directive
> in fstab, which I think I saw in some other operating system (:P).

Insisting on proper ownership is fine, just give the files to the
user on logon and take them back when she logs out. This is what fbtab(5)
is for. However I have yet to work out how this blends with X.

One ugly but working way is to hack up /etc/X11/xdm/{Give,Take}Console
to include the mountpoints and devices. BTW, mountpoints can just as
well be in $HOME (or /tmp).
> Just ideas to make desktop use a little more automated.
> Thanks
> -- 
> Best Regards
> Edd
> ---------------------------------------------------
> http://students.dec.bournemouth.ac.uk/ebarrett

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