Rod, You are absolutely correct. Using the "--reject *iso" directive for wget in the instructions will now filter out all iso files from downloading. The wording on the web page has been cleaned up and clarified.
Thanks for your feedback, it is appreciated. -- Calomel @ OpenSource Research and Reference On Fri, Nov 02, 2007 at 12:55:39PM +1100, RW wrote: >On Thu, 1 Nov 2007 20:01:16 -0400, Calomel wrote: > >>Making a custom, bootable OpenBSD install CD >> >> > >Calomel, I think you need to rapidly go edit your instructions and the >script to get rid of the wildcard in the wget command to get the >install files. > >Nobody building a custom CD will thank you for imposing a dowload of >the 204MB install42.iso along with the needed files. > >Secondly, you need to stop referring to install sets as packages. > >I was really confused when I read "The OpenBSD group do" (sic) "offer >iso's you can download and use to install a system. The problem is they >may have packages you know you will never use." because I knew that the >downloadable iso includes NO packages. > >Packages are precompiled applications from the ports tree. > >Let's not confuse newbies. > >Rod/ > >In the beginning was The Word >and The Word was Content-type: text/plain >The Word of Rod.