Damon McMahon wrote:
From: Heinrich Rebehn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 29 October 2007 9:14:16 PM
To: OpenBSD <misc@openbsd.org>
Subject: Hoe to specify multiple transform suites in ipsec.conf(5)

Hello list,

I am trying to move my IPsec configuration from isakmpd.conf to ipsec.conf. However i cannot find a syntax to specify multiple transform suites with ipsec.conf

I tried something like:

ike passive esp from any to any quick enc {aes,3des}

but it is rejected.

I want something like


as a result.
As a workaround i can stuff it into the running configuration using isakmpd's fifo, but that is not a very robust solution.


Default-phase-2-suites = QM-ESP-3DES-MD5-PFS-SUITE,QM-ESP-AES-SHA2-256-PFS-SUITE

in isakmpd.conf
does not help, because ipsecctl overrides it. Is there a way to tell ipsecctl to not specify a suite at all, so that the default is used?

BTW, is ipsec.conf meant to ever become a full replacement for isakmpd.conf?

Thanks for any hints.


I've tried to do the same - see http://readlist.com/lists/openbsd.org/misc/12/62613.html - as of 4.1 this is not supported by ipsec.conf(5).

Best wishes,

Thanks for your reply, Damon. I missed your post when searching the archives. You wrote that isakmpd.conf is "deprecated". Obviously this is not (yet) quite so.

Kind regards,


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