On Mon, Oct 29, 2007 at 01:40:07PM -0700, Aaron Glenn wrote:
> running 4.2/i386 as of two weeks ago, I've got a default route that
> isn't being seen as valid and consequently not installed in the RIB.
> when I first rolled this router out, however, it was valid and being
> installed. while I'm interested in what could have happened between
> then and now, I'm more interested in how the RDE actually makes its
> decisions on validity. I see no obvious reason for this route to be
> not valid.
> everything else (demotion, 'prefix lists', etc) works great, however (-:
> relevant info:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] bgpctl show rib nei in
> flags: * = Valid, > = Selected, I = via IBGP, A = Announced
> origin: i = IGP, e = EGP, ? = Incomplete
> flags destination         gateway          lpref   med aspath origin
>        100     0 174 i
> I am learning that nexthop from another session with 174:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] bgpctl show fib bgp
> flags: * = valid, B = BGP, C = Connected, S = Static
>        N = BGP Nexthop reachable via this route
>        r = reject route, b = blackhole route
> flags destination          gateway
> *B      38.104.XXX.37
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] cat /etc/bgpd.conf
> AS 10XX0
> router-id 72.37.XXX.178
> network inet connected
> network inet static
> network 38.98.XXX.0/24
> neighbor 72.37.XXX.177 {
>         remote-as 10XX0
>         announce all
> }
> group "COGENT" {
>         remote-as 174
>         depend on bge1
>         softreconfig in yes
>         softreconfig out yes
>         neighbor 38.104.XXX.37 {
>                 local-address 38.104.XXX.38
>                 set prepend-self 3
>                 announce self
>         }
>         neighbor 38.103.XXX.50 {
>                 announce none
>                 multihop 8
>         }
> }

The nexthop depends on a bgp route which is considered evil and therefor
not allowed by default. Add "nexthop qualify via bgp" to the global config
part and your setup should work again.

:wq Claudio

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