On 10/19/07, Richard Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> altq on $ext_if cbq bandwidth 9.1Mb queue { adsl_up, sdsl_up }
> altq on $client_if cbq bandwidth 9.1Mb queue { adsl_dn, sdsl_dn }

You probably don't want to use cbq for clients, use hfsc instead.
Unless you enjoy complaints from clients who aren't getting the
bandwidth they expect.

> #ADSL Clients
> pass in on $client_if from $adsl_client1_net to any queue adsl_client1_up
> pass out on $client_if from any to $adsl_client1_net queue adsl_client1_dn
> pass in on $client_if from $adsl_client2_net to any queue adsl_client2_up
> pass in on $client_if from any to $adsl_client2_net queue adsl_client2_dn

Since you keep state (the default) you want to assign on the external
interface too, otherwise connections initiated from the "outside"
won't be assigned the correct queue.

Lars Hansson

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