> Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 20:12:26 +0200
> From: Paul de Weerd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: : cp(1) bug ?
> On Fri, Oct 19, 2007 at 01:52:03PM -0400, Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
> | Conceptually, though, why can't cp look at the source directory and take a
> | snapshot, a to-do-list, of everything it has to copy, then do it?  That
> | way, any recursion would be completed before the target directory
> | appeared in the source directory.  With only an -R (no -H -L or -P), it
> | should copy links as links which should avoid loops.
> What will you do if the underlying directory structure has tons and
> tons of files and subdirectories ? First traverse this entire tree,
> keeping it all in memory ? Sounds pretty expensive.

I believe that it is only necessary to do one directory read ahead in
order to avoid the recursive loop. (I just took a quick look at the cp
source in OpenBSD, so, correct me if I am wrong.) 

    $ cp <source1> ... <sourceN> <directory>
We can read the contents of <source1> if source1 is a directory, then
create a directory in <directory> and copy the contents of source1 into
it, and then repeat. This should not cause an endless loop.

((name "Aaron Hsu")
 (email/xmpp "[EMAIL PROTECTED]")
 (phone "703-597-7656")
 (site "http://www.aaronhsu.com";))

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