On 10/17/07, Christian Weisgerber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Landry Breuil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > i've just set up a little CVSync mirror, and following cvsync.html, i
> > stumble on the "cvs [checkout aborted]: /cvs/CVSROOT: No such file or
> > directory" issue when trying to checkout from my fresh mirror.
> Why doesn't your mirror have CVSROOT?  You're missing part of the
> repository.

Maybe upstream is missing something.. i'm cc'ing maintainer in case
he's not subscribed to misc.
i just launched 'cvsync
cvsync://mirror.osn.de/openbsd-ports/rcs/?prefix=/cvs', and tried with
a full config file too, as explained on the page..

> > Maybe it is worth saying on the page that cvs repository has to be
> > init'ed with 'cvs -d /cvs init' before being usable for checkouts...
> Certainly not.

Ok, so my 'workaround' wasn't correct .. i suppose my cvsync copy is
broken now ?


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