On 2007/10/15 16:37, Gaby Vanhegan wrote:
> I have compiled the 0.97 version from source, that works fine.  I can  
> send mail from the command line fine, I have setup a very basic  
> femail.conf and put it in /etc/femail.conf, as well as /var/www/etc/ 
> femail.conf.

that's optional if you can resolve your own hostname (e.g. hosts or
resolv.conf which you may well already have).

> mini_sendmail works fine in apache, femail does not.  The only error  
> output I see if in /var/www/logs/error_log, which is the line "Abort  
> Trap".

Sounds like you're trying to use a dynamically-linked version
without having ld.so present.

You want the static version:

cd /usr/ports/mail/femail && FLAVOR=static make install
pkg_add femail-0.97-static

> In order to get this, I still have to have sh inside the  
> chroot.  Is femail going to need this too?

femail doesn't need it, but iirc PHP does.

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