@Theo: they asked you in front of everybody, you should give it a reply so
all of us can hear.

You guys think they'll hire everybody/somebody else on the list?

Since everybody is posting something or the other, I suggest we make this
the next long thread.
Without the flamebaits.


On 10/14/07, Craig Skinner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 14, 2007 at 11:45:48AM +0200, Tonnerre LOMBARD wrote:
> > Could someone please enlighten me how this is OpenBSD related?
> OpenBSD = "Free, Functional & Secure"
> Google = ?
> One man on this list leads by example as he was not compromised by a
> corrupt govt defence project splashing about much more than 30 pieces of
> silver.
> As the messiah said when he was in Britain with his 4 brothers (BRT:3:1)
> BRT:6:29> "To know what is right and not to do it is cowardice. Wealth
> and station are desired by every man, but if these can be aquired or
> retained only to the detriment of his service to his creed, he must
> relinquish them."


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