Dear PayPal'ers -- My apologies, our anti-phishing filter still catches emails mentioning Paypal, and some of us are forgetting to check the special folder often enough.
Time for us to update the ordering instructions on orders.html Paypal address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] One quick answer is if you place an web order and say "pre-arranged" as the method of payment, and mention in the comments that you need to arrange payment by PayPal, it wont hit those particular filters that I need to tune better. Shipping will get the order with all the others, hold it for a day or so to quote the shipping costs, and hear back from you that you've done the Paypal thing. Alternately you can just add 10% for shipping (Canada, USA), or 20% for elsewhere in the world, and we will refund the excess if there is some, or maybe, probably after we ship, ask for a token more as necessary. Even if you don't add shipping at all, but send in the base amount, we'll probably ship first and ask for the difference later. (add to comments that "Austin says" to do it that way!) The pre-arranged idea is a pain. I'm going to have to find a better way to express it. Thanks for the feedback and rightful encouragement to get it right! Austin On Wed, 10 Oct 2007, Gerald Thornberry wrote: > Not entirely true. I've been checking the USPS Track & Confirm > website each day since October 2 when I got my tracking confirmation > via email. Until today the USPS had no record of my shipment. > Finally I have a response: > > "Your item was accepted at 4:31 PM on October 9, 2007 in SWEET GRASS, > MT 59484. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please > check again later." > > So, even though locales as far away as New Zealand (probably farther > than Argentina from Calgary) are already applying their new stickers > to their servers I'm still waiting here in Kentucky, USA (1660 miles > from Calgary). I pre-ordered on 09/11/2007. :-) > > > > On 10/10/07, L. V. Lammert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > On Wed, 10 Oct 2007, Marcos Laufer wrote: > > > > > The OpenBSD project is loosing sales. I am trying to buy some > > > tshirts and the 4.2 prerelease but nobody answers my emails at the > > > Calgary shop. > > > > > If you had placed an order instead of complaining about it, you would have > > your gear already, like the rest of us. Our 4.2 was actually received the > > same day as the order confirmation - talk about efficiency! > > > > Lee > > > > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] /home/shipping/mail/saved-messages 5065