On 10/10/07, Douglas A. Tutty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ...
> If you take the requirement to view a few flash pages at face value,
> you're saying that that defeats the whole purpose of OpenBSD and I'm
> better off just sticking with Debian for the whole thing.

My mother is an accountant - OpenBSD is not right for her. My father
does graphics - OpenBSD is not right for him. I'm a sysadmin - OpenBSD
works well for me. And for the things I use OpenBSD for.

OpenBSD is not for everyone or everything, and we won't be the least
bit hurt if you decide OpenBSD is not for you.

Apparently the set of people who use OpenBSD (or at least who write
code that works on OpenBSD) and the set of people who care about flash
are pretty much disjoint. If enough people want working flash on
OpenBSD, it'll happen. I don't think that critical mass has been
reached yet.

Think for a moment about what flash is: a blob. It's a little program
that you got from someone you don't know, that you can't look into,
that you can't be sure what it does and that you want to run with
access to the network. Somehow I doubt that is very attractive
scenario to most openbsd users.


GDB has a 'break' feature; why doesn't it have 'fix' too?

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