Sean Darby wrote:

> me:
> Okay... I didn't know OpenBSD was UNIX. I thought OpenBSD was Unix; and that 
> UNIX was a registered trademark of The Open Group, with systems like "UNIX 
> 98" and "UNIX 03". My bad. The "GNU's Not Unix" GNU bit makes sense, though I 
> was simply referring to the difference between $ and free. I was under the 
> impression that UNIX regarded $ and Unix = free. Oh well, no biggy. :-p

I don't believe U.S. trademark law cares much about capitalization of
word marks.  Unix, UNIX, unix -- all covered by the same registration.
(This is distinct from registering logos which happen to incorporate
your word mark, where case, font, and color tend to matter.)

After all, the whole point to registering a trademark is to put the
world on notice that you don't want other parties using marks that might
be confused with yours in commerce.  You've just proven that Unix gets
confused with UNIX.  ;-)

See to look
 "UNIX" up for yourself.

YMMV in other countries and I not be a lawyer.

--Jon Radel

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/x-pkcs7-signature which 
had a name of smime.p7s]

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