Hi.  I am running CURRENT on a development server and I have some
questions about building the X portion of a release.  First, normally I
don't need Xorg but I regularly use a package that needs the xbase
install set.  So before I used to build X using the XF4 sources.  I
then heard that xenocara is replacing XF4 so I am trying to build, and
eventually make the sets (which ones will come out I do not know), but
my system is bombing out.  I am following the release man page.  My
xenocara sources ended up in /usr/xenocara after a cvsup operation (how
do I get them in /usr/src/xenocara while also updating other sources
and ports?).  Anyway, according to that man page all I need to do is
have XSRCDIR set to /usr/xenocara inside /etc/mk.conf.  So I'm not sure
if I'm on the right track in building xenocara and also why I cannot
build it:

make: don't know how to make obj.  Stop in
make: no target to make.

Thank you in advance,

// juan

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