On Sat, Oct 06, 2007 at 05:14:53AM -0500, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-10-04 at 17:10 -0700, Clint Pachl wrote:
> > The only thing I would use that 486 for would be an X client, with a 
> > good graphics card, a router, or as a command line tinkering system.
> Yes, a 486 is still plenty of system for use as a router, assuming the
> right networking hardware is available for it. Heck, I miss my old
> Pentium 100 I was using as a router (well, sort of).

It also works just fine as:
        firewall for dial-up
        print server with apsfilter
        home mail server,
        Wordprocessor with vim + LaTex
        Python development (non-GUI)
        light browsing with lynx and links/elinks
        small-data-set postgresql (home use)

and anything else for home use _except_ for running X-apps locally
(other than gv or something for previewing documents before printing).

The only things I cannot do comfortably on the 486:

Surf the web with firefox/konqueror
watch movies
Doesn't have a great sound card so not the best music box
graphical spreadsheet
Install Debian (need to do a drive-shuffle from another box)
patch BSD
Run Debian (since they admit that they link to many libraries not
        required for normal use, slowing the execs and increasing memory


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