
It is the order. The fist queue is for bulk packets and the second is for
ack packets.

Daniel Hartmeier has a detailed page with examples that may make this

Prioritizing empty TCP ACKs with pf and ALTQ 

 Calomel @

On Sat, Oct 06, 2007 at 12:36:42AM -0300, Nenhum_de_Nos wrote:
>On 10/5/07, Calomel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> padilla,
>> Perhaps if you take a step back and look at an example of pf everything
>> might make more sense. It might help if you had a working pf.conf to learn
>> from and a basic explanation of what each part of pf does.
>>    OpenBSD Pf Firewall "how to" ( pf.conf )
>> This example might be more than you really wanted for your machine, but it
>> should point you in the right direction for a secure nat'ed firewall. When
>> you become more fluent in pf, I have included a few of the more useful
>> options in the same example. If you have any questions I would be happy to
>> help.
>> --
>>  Calomel @
>i read the reffered link and this as well
>but if you let me, I do have a question. when you say:
>pass out on $ExtIf inet proto tcp from ($ExtIf) to any flags S/SA
>modulate state queue (bulk, ack)
>pass out on $ExtIf inet proto tcp from ($ExtIf) to any port ssh flags
>S/SA modulate state queue (ssh_bulk, ssh_login)
>The first rule is passing out bulk traffic on the external interface
>and prioritizing ack packets. The second rule is passing out data on
>port 22(ssh) and prioritizing the interactive ssh traffic. This
>traffic is originating on our internal network or on the firewall
>you say the two queues are bound to that rule in that line ? I never
>got 100% this bindings from queues and rules. how will pf know that in
>the first rule, it will treat ack packets differente from bulk ones ?
>thats my main doubt ...
>is the order (bulk,ack) that does it ? or anything with the flags
>(S/SA) ? I really never got the mechanics of this ...
>if anyone could explain,
>We will call you cygnus,
>The God of balance you shall be

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