On Fri, 2007-10-05 at 12:14 -0700, Jeff Simmons wrote: > On Friday 05 October 2007 01:17, Claer wrote: > > The Cisco client license forbids explicitely to connect to anything but > > Cisco Hardware. > > If that's so, then legal forgot to tell marketing. ;-) > > "The Cisco VPN 3002 Hardware Client works with all operating systems ... " > http://newsroom.cisco.com/dlls/prod_040401.html
The hayday of Cisco making billions on the Cisco PIX 5xx is long over(*). The advent of SSL VPNs and other Windoze-specific crap. Something tells me they're not going to ante up for a fight to make their products more-interoperable. ipsec-tools and vpnc as examples. ~BAS * Back then you could recall the Cisco product line from memory.