On 9/24/07, Stuart Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2007/09/23 20:53, patrick keshishian wrote:
> >
> > They seemed pretty random to me, but I did a quick
> > check after reading your response and I see 468 unique
> > "fake" email address @my-domain, only one was
> > duplicated twice.
> What's the problem, they'll just be dropped "user unknown"
> by your MTA won't they?

It wouldn't be a problem if it didn't mimic a DDOS attack.
Getting bombarded by many dozen SMTP connection in a very
short time-span iss a bit alarming (at least was to me).

Other than that, I agree, sendmail would drop them as "User
unknown" and that's the end of story.

Btw, your "reply-to" field contains my e-mail address.  Is that


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