I Have that motherboard with 4.0 Snapshot (I don't remember the date) and all works good.

1. There were problems with second gigabit port.
2. There were problems with ACPI, and the system was unstable( Try to compile anything).

But With this snapshot all works great.

I haven't tried 4.1 or later snapshots.


Insan Praja SW wrote:
Dear all,
I have recently facing a problem when installing openBSD 4.0 on intel S3000AH, it seems that the embedded gigabit ethernet (em1) is causing this, since openBSD installer trap a kernel panic message when it tried to load the module. In some discussion, to troubleshoot this is to change vparam.h. Since I am no programmer, would anyone be kind enough to help me with this.

em1 at pci3 dev 0 function 0 "Intel PRO/1000MT (82573e)" rev
0x03uvm_fault(0xd0691180, 0x1f000, 0, 1) ->
fatal page fault (6) in supervisor mode
trap type 6 code 0 eip d02b0a10 cs 8 eflags 10202 cr2 1ff07 cp0
panic: trap type 6, code-0, pc-d02b0a10

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