
On 12/09/2007, Miod Vallat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> > I bought a PGX64 graphics card hoping to have accelerated X on my sun
> >> > blade 1000. Unfortunately it cause a panic. Here's the details:
> >>
> >> Does it panic if you use the glass console instead of the serial console?
> >
> > Afraid so.
> >
> > I only put the serial line in so I could copy and paste it into the email.
> Ok.
> Can you, at the "ok" prompt, go to your frame buffer device node
> (cd [EMAIL PROTECTED], cd [EMAIL PROTECTED], etc) and give me the output
> of ".properties" (or ".attributes" if the former does not work)?
> Miod

I think this is the device:

assigned-addresses       82000810 00000000 01000000 00000000 01000000
                         81000814 00000000 00000400 00000000 00000100
                         82000818 00000000 00102000 00000000 00002000
                         82000830 00000000 00140000 00000000 00020000
aty,fcode                1.69
aty,card#                109-XXXXX-XX
aty,rom#                 113-XXXXX-100
aty,model                ATY,RageXL
model                    SUNW,370-4362
name                     SUNW,m64B
pgx_version              @(#) pgx64.fth 1.12 01/05/04
reg                      00000800 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
                         02000810 00000000 00000000 00000000 01000000
                         02000818 00000000 00000000 00000000 00001000
                         02000830 00000000 00000000 00000000 00020000
character-set            ISO8859-1
device_type              display
linebytes                00000480
v-freq                   00000042
depth                    00000008
height                   00000384
width                    00000480
fb-memory                00000008
aty,flags                00000000
aty,status               00000004
fcode-rom-offset         00000000
devsel-speed             00000001
class-code               00030000
interrupts               00000001
latency-timer            00000040
cache-line-size          00000010
max-latency              00000000
min-grant                00000008
revision-id              00000027
device-id                00004752
vendor-id                00001002

Does this help?

Best Regards



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