Per-Erik Persson wrote:
> When the nfs server gets disconnected the filesystem dissapears, I can
> live with that. After all networks go down now and then.
> But unfortunatley the location where the directory was mounted will be
> impossible to list, even after the server is up again.
> Trying to unmount ot mount the directory will also fail and just freeze
> the console.
> df dousn't work either.
> I have tried to kill mountd, nfsd and rpc.lockd and to empty
> /var/db/mountdbtab and bring the daemons up again but still the problem
> persists.
> Tcpdump tells me that the machines doesn't even try to reconnect the
> lost connection.
> The last opton is to reboot, but there must be a better solution to a
> busy server!
> Would amd solve this problem instead of mounting the shares in fstab ?

I'm also wondering about this, so if anyone has more information about
any of these issues, I'd be glad to hear it, too.

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