
I'm trying to backup my music collection on a msdos/fat formatted
external harddrive. After copying some files, the process 'hangs'.
I'm copying with xfe (gui-file manager) but cp does the same. I'm
not sure when the error exactly occurs. It might be when a 
specific file is being operating on but I'm absolutly not sure.

$ sudo disklabel /dev/sd0c
disklabel: warning, DOS partition table with no valid OpenBSD partition
# /dev/sd0c:
type: SCSI
disk: SCSI disk
label: 1600BEVExternal 
bytes/sector: 512
sectors/track: 32
tracks/cylinder: 64
sectors/cylinder: 2048
cylinders: 152627
total sectors: 312581808
rpm: 3600
interleave: 1
trackskew: 0
cylinderskew: 0
headswitch: 0           # microseconds
track-to-track seek: 0  # microseconds
drivedata: 0 

16 partitions:
#             size        offset  fstype [fsize bsize  cpg]
  c:     312581808             0  unused      0     0      # Cyl     0 -152627*
  i:     312576642            63   MSDOS                   # Cyl     0*-152625*

$ sudo mount -t msdos /dev/sd0i /mnt/usbdevice

$ xfe
Copying.... Suddenly, xfe stops responding.

After the error, I try to change the directory to /mnt/:
$ cd /mnt/u [TAB]
This shell hangs. 

I try to reboot and got the message:
"syncing disks..." 
After a few minutes I reset the machine (maybe to early??) and
the system reboots and warns me '/' is not unmounted properly.

Gr, Pieter Verberne

OpenBSD 4.1 (GENERIC) #1435: Sat Mar 10 19:07:45 MST 2007
    [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/GENERIC
cpu0: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU T5500 @ 1.66GHz ("GenuineIntel" 686-class) 1.67 GHz
real mem  = 1063677952 (1038748K)
avail mem = 963141632 (940568K)
using 4278 buffers containing 53309440 bytes (52060K) of memory
mainbus0 (root)
bios0 at mainbus0: AT/286+ BIOS, date 04/18/07, BIOS32 rev. 0 @ 0xfd690, SMBIOS 
rev. 2.4 @ 0xe0010 (68 entries)
bios0: LENOVO 9456HTG
pcibios0 at bios0: rev 2.1 @ 0xfd620/0x9e0
pcibios0: PCI IRQ Routing Table rev 1.0 @ 0xfdea0/272 (15 entries)
pcibios0: PCI Interrupt Router at 000:31:0 ("Intel 82371FB ISA" rev 0x00)
pcibios0: PCI bus #22 is the last bus
bios0: ROM list: 0xc0000/0xea00! 0xcf000/0x1600 0xd0800/0x1000 0xdc000/0x4000! 
acpi at mainbus0 not configured
cpu0 at mainbus0
cpu0: unknown Enhanced SpeedStep CPU, msr 0x06130a2506000613
cpu0: using only highest and lowest power states
cpu0: Enhanced SpeedStep 1000 MHz (1004 mV): speeds: 1667, 1000 MHz
pci0 at mainbus0 bus 0: configuration mode 1 (no bios)
pchb0 at pci0 dev 0 function 0 "Intel 82945GM MCH" rev 0x03
vga1 at pci0 dev 2 function 0 "Intel 82945GM Video" rev 0x03: aperture at 
0xee100000, size 0x10000000
wsdisplay0 at vga1 mux 1: console (80x25, vt100 emulation)
wsdisplay0: screen 1-5 added (80x25, vt100 emulation)
"Intel 82945GM Video" rev 0x03 at pci0 dev 2 function 1 not configured
azalia0 at pci0 dev 27 function 0 "Intel 82801GB HD Audio" rev 0x02: irq 11
azalia0: host: High Definition Audio rev. 1.0
azalia0: codec: Analog Devices AD1981HD (rev. 2.0), HDA version 1.0
azalia0: RIRB time out
audio0 at azalia0
ppb0 at pci0 dev 28 function 0 "Intel 82801GB PCIE" rev 0x02
pci1 at ppb0 bus 2
bge0 at pci1 dev 0 function 0 "Broadcom BCM5751M" rev 0x21, BCM5750 C1 
(0x4201): irq 11, address 00:16:d3:b5:fd:
brgphy0 at bge0 phy 1: BCM5750 10/100/1000baseT PHY, rev. 0
ppb1 at pci0 dev 28 function 1 "Intel 82801GB PCIE" rev 0x02
pci2 at ppb1 bus 3
wpi0 at pci2 dev 0 function 0 "Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG" rev 0x02: irq 11, 
address 00:1b:77:41:2f:59
ppb2 at pci0 dev 28 function 2 "Intel 82801GB PCIE" rev 0x02
pci3 at ppb2 bus 4
ppb3 at pci0 dev 28 function 3 "Intel 82801GB PCIE" rev 0x02
pci4 at ppb3 bus 12
uhci0 at pci0 dev 29 function 0 "Intel 82801GB USB" rev 0x02: irq 11
usb0 at uhci0: USB revision 1.0
uhub0 at usb0
uhub0: Intel UHCI root hub, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub0: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
uhci1 at pci0 dev 29 function 1 "Intel 82801GB USB" rev 0x02: irq 11
usb1 at uhci1: USB revision 1.0
uhub1 at usb1
uhub1: Intel UHCI root hub, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub1: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
uhci2 at pci0 dev 29 function 2 "Intel 82801GB USB" rev 0x02: irq 11
usb2 at uhci2: USB revision 1.0
uhub2 at usb2
uhub2: Intel UHCI root hub, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub2: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
uhci3 at pci0 dev 29 function 3 "Intel 82801GB USB" rev 0x02: irq 11
usb3 at uhci3: USB revision 1.0
uhub3 at usb3
uhub3: Intel UHCI root hub, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub3: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
ehci0 at pci0 dev 29 function 7 "Intel 82801GB USB" rev 0x02: irq 11
usb4 at ehci0: USB revision 2.0
uhub4 at usb4
uhub4: Intel EHCI root hub, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub4: 8 ports with 8 removable, self powered
ppb4 at pci0 dev 30 function 0 "Intel 82801BAM Hub-to-PCI" rev 0xe2
pci5 at ppb4 bus 21
cbb0 at pci5 dev 0 function 0 "TI PCIXX12 CardBus" rev 0x00: irq 11
vendor "TI", unknown product 0x803a (class serial bus subclass Firewire, rev 
0x00) at pci5 dev 0 function 1 not 
cardslot0 at cbb0 slot 0 flags 0
cardbus0 at cardslot0: bus 22 device 0 cacheline 0x8, lattimer 0xb0
pcmcia0 at cardslot0
ichpcib0 at pci0 dev 31 function 0 "Intel 82801GBM LPC" rev 0x02: PM disabled
pciide0 at pci0 dev 31 function 1 "Intel 82801GB IDE" rev 0x02: DMA, channel 0 
configured to compatibility, chan
nel 1 configured to compatibility
atapiscsi0 at pciide0 channel 0 drive 0
scsibus0 at atapiscsi0: 2 targets
cd0 at scsibus0 targ 0 lun 0: <MATSHITA, DVD-RAM UJ-850, RB11> SCSI0 5/cdrom 
cd0(pciide0:0:0): using PIO mode 4, Ultra-DMA mode 2
pciide0: channel 1 ignored (disabled)
pciide1 at pci0 dev 31 function 2 "Intel 82801GBM AHCI SATA" rev 0x02: DMA, 
channel 0 wired to native-PCI, chann
el 1 wired to native-PCI
pciide1: using irq 11 for native-PCI interrupt
wd0 at pciide1 channel 0 drive 0: <HITACHI HTS541680J9SA00>
wd0: 16-sector PIO, LBA48, 76319MB, 156301488 sectors
wd0(pciide1:0:0): using PIO mode 4, Ultra-DMA mode 5
ichiic0 at pci0 dev 31 function 3 "Intel 82801GB SMBus" rev 0x02: irq 11
iic0 at ichiic0
isa0 at ichpcib0
isadma0 at isa0
pckbc0 at isa0 port 0x60/5
pckbd0 at pckbc0 (kbd slot)
pckbc0: using irq 1 for kbd slot
wskbd0 at pckbd0: console keyboard, using wsdisplay0
pms0 at pckbc0 (aux slot)
pckbc0: using irq 12 for aux slot
wsmouse0 at pms0 mux 0
pcppi0 at isa0 port 0x61
midi0 at pcppi0: <PC speaker>
spkr0 at pcppi0
npx0 at isa0 port 0xf0/16: reported by CPUID; using exception 16
biomask effd netmask effd ttymask ffff
pctr: 686-class user-level performance counters enabled
mtrr: Pentium Pro MTRR support
ugen0 at uhub3 port 1uhidev0 at uhub2 port 1 configuration 1 interface 0
ugen0: Broadcom Corp BCM2045B, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 2

uhidev0: Genius NetScroll + Traveler, rev 1.10/1.10, addr 2, iclass 3/1
ums0 at uhidev0: 3 buttons and Z dir.
wsmouse1 at ums0 mux 0
ugen1 at uhub3 port 2
ugen1: STMicroelectronics Biometric Coprocessor, rev 1.00/0.01, addr 3
wd0: 16-sector PIO, LBA48, 76319MB, 156301488 sectors
wd0(pciide1:0:0): using PIO mode 4, Ultra-DMA mode 5
ichiic0 at pci0 dev 31 function 3 "Intel 82801GB SMBus" rev 0x02: irq 11
iic0 at ichiic0
isa0 at ichpcib0
isadma0 at isa0
pckbc0 at isa0 port 0x60/5
pckbd0 at pckbc0 (kbd slot)
pckbc0: using irq 1 for kbd slot
wskbd0 at pckbd0: console keyboard, using wsdisplay0
pms0 at pckbc0 (aux slot)
pckbc0: using irq 12 for aux slot
wsmouse0 at pms0 mux 0
pcppi0 at isa0 port 0x61
midi0 at pcppi0: <PC speaker>
spkr0 at pcppi0
npx0 at isa0 port 0xf0/16: reported by CPUID; using exception 16
biomask effd netmask effd ttymask ffff
pctr: 686-class user-level performance counters enabled
mtrr: Pentium Pro MTRR support
ugen0 at uhub3 port 1uhidev0 at uhub2 port 1 configuration 1 interface 0
ugen0: Broadcom Corp BCM2045B, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 2

uhidev0: Genius NetScroll + Traveler, rev 1.10/1.10, addr 2, iclass 3/1
ums0 at uhidev0: 3 buttons and Z dir.
wsmouse1 at ums0 mux 0
ugen1 at uhub3 port 2
ugen1: STMicroelectronics Biometric Coprocessor, rev 1.00/0.01, addr 3
dkcsum: wd0 matches BIOS drive 0x80
root on wd0a
rootdev=0x0 rrootdev=0x300 rawdev=0x302
WARNING: / was not properly unmounted

umass0 at uhub4 port 1 configuration 1 interface 0
umass0: Western Digital External HDD, rev 2.00/1.02, addr 2
umass0: using SCSI over Bulk-Only
scsibus1 at umass0: 2 targets
sd0 at scsibus1 targ 1 lun 0: <WD, 1600BEVExternal, 1.02> SCSI0 0/direct fixed
sd0: 152627MB, 152627 cyl, 64 head, 32 sec, 512 bytes/sec, 312581808 sec total
umass0: Phase Error, residue = 0

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