On Mon, 27 Aug 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > rest of the kernel uses it to store the value of curlwp. Sam won't
> > recompile the HAL for us (fair enough), and we can't modify the HAL
> > to use another register because doing so could put us in breach of
> > the license (v. crappy). So, do a save/set/restore on %s7 in KernIntr()
> How hard is it to recompile the HAL that Sam can't be bothered to do
> it, and more importantly, why should a trivial change to make the
> software inter operable be a breach of the license?  That can't be the
> owner's intent.

Why are you making excuses for the people who provide binary blobs? It
doesn't matter at all what the owner's _intent_ is, when the practical
consequence is that OS developers have to put in layers of hacks for
bugs that they cannot themselves fix.


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