
I was just looking this webpage when I got your answer ; as Michael
Lucas didn't talk about this file in his talk about consoles, I though
console ports were active by default... (but I found this file in this
book's index, however)

So, tty00 is "tty00   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   vt220   on
secure", but it still does not work (I tried 19200 also).

At the boot prompt, when I type "set tty", there is some sort of
autocompletion, that lists me only pc0, no com port is present. Does
that mean the kernel does not recognize the serial ports ?

I'm still running generic kernel plus RAIDframe. My serial port should
be detected by the kernel, shouldn't they ?
any guess would be neat, I really do feel unconfident with serial ports :-/

Would a dmesg be of any use in this case ?



On 8/20/07, Jim Razmus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> * nicodache <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070820 15:26]:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm almost done configuring some little 1U server for my own
> > edutainment, and I'm busy trying to configure the serial console.
> > I have the excellent book of Michael W. Lucas calld "Absolute
> > OpenBSD", and he tells about serial console, that by entering "set tty
> > com0", we can access the machine from any other machine that has a
> > serial port, and a port monitoring software.
> > I use a windows computer for it, only because I know this machine's
> > serial port works, and the configuration I set up for my cisco (which
> > is the same config as the one for openbsd) works in that machine.
> > However, I can't get my serial port on my server to work ; I type in
> > set tty com0, and nothing nowhere ! It even seems this server does not
> > boot up ! (I can't find it with an nmap -sP with serial on booting,
> > while I can otherwise).
> > The server is an old compaq server : Proliant DL 320 (G1), with only 1
> > serial port on the motherboard.
> >
> > Is there anyway for me to check my com port is detected and working,
> > before I put my server into a datacenter ?
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > nicodache
> >
> This doesn't answer your question directly, but you could take a look in
> the FAQ here:
> http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq7.html#SerCon
> and change the relevant line in /etc/ttys to something like:
> tty00   "/usr/libexec/getty std.19200"  vt220    on secure
> If you don't enable the console, 'set tty com0' doesn't help.
> HTH,
> Jim

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