Hello all, I currently have an FTP server on the internet for use transferring files back and forth with customers and have now been given the requirement to put a firewall between it and the internet but still allow users to use the ftp service. So, I was looking at the possibility of dropping an OpenBSD box in that is setup to serve as a filtering bridge but I have been unable to find information about how to setup a transparent bridge in front of an FTP server. Do I need to run an FTP proxy on the bridge? or does the fact that the bridge is transparent take care of that issue?
A point in the right direction would be appreciated. I tried looking up on google, but I found a bazillion hits on how to setup a firewall on a network and still being able to reach an ftp server on the internet from the network, but nothing on how to do it the other way around where the FTP server is behind the firewall. My guess is the information I need is there but I was unable to see it through all the interference. I have also looked at the bridge section of the FAQ, and I am planning on going back in and looking further to see if I just missed something. Unfortunately, I was unable to search the list archive because we are restricted here where I work as to where we can and can't go on the internet. Thanks. Stuart van Zee [EMAIL PROTECTED]