why do you expect recommendations for gear from cizzco-eeh on an
openbsd list? tsk tsk tsk

On Thu, Aug 09, 2007 at 06:07:08PM +1000, Chris wrote:
> I'm trying to buy (from ebay) a cisco switch, router and pix firewall
> for learning purposes. All these will be connected to a Linksys ADSL
> modem which also has wireless capability. The OSs will be OpenBSD4.1,
> Windows XP and Linux distros. I will probably also try IPv6 (not sure
> if that has got anything to do with this). I had a look at cisco
> catalyst 1900 series switch and it looked ok.
> Could anyone recommend anything that would be great for leaning
> purposes and also be able to handle daily Internet traffic? Thanks.

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