Your Friend BENEFITING JOB OFFER FROM JAMES has invited you to be his contact on Multiply.
Multiply is a web site that makes it easy to share photos, blogs, videos and more with the people you know. BENEFITING JOB OFFER FROM JAMES is using Multiply to keep in touch with friends and family and he wants to include you. Accept BENEFITING JOB OFFER FROM JAMES's invitation or learn more about Multiply: Personal message from BENEFITING JOB OFFER FROM JAMES: URGENT:BENEFITING JOB OFFER Dear Sir/Madam, Top of the day to you as you receive this e-mail. My name is JAMES HARRISON .I am a textile artist based in the U.K .I am into textile designs and have been in the business for long while. Based on the high level of competition in this field,I decided on traveling to various art exhibitions to sell my products to my customers on a one-on-one basis. However,this strategy has really helped my sales, boosting my profit level to the tune of about 25%. Despite the fact that I make good sales on my goods,I also encounter some difficulties when it comes to collecting my money from various customers after sales. The problem I am facing is that most of my customers are tourists who scavenge for art works in various exhibition and they do not pay in cash but with various financial instruments such as cashiers,official and travelers checks. I would not want to turn down this mode of payment because I might loose my customers to other sellers.And it is also difficult for me to turn these checks into cash because I am always very busy traveling to various exhibition to ensure the sales of my products.THIS IS WHY I HAVE CONTACTED YOU! YOUR JOB? Your service as a sincere Financial Representative would be needed as regards how to process these mode of payments. JOB DESCRIPTION: -The payments would be sent out to you in checks[cashiers,official and traveler's checks]from my customers. -As you receive the checks,you would take the checks to your bank for cashing processes . -After cashing the checks,deduct you 10% commission of the total amount and Send the remaining to my suppliers/clients or any of our agents via any WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER OR MONEY GRAM outlets close to you. -Your salary would be based on a 10% commission per every payment you are able to process.(i.e you would deduct 10% of the total amount of whatever amount of payments you are able to process) JOB QUALIFICATION: -Are you 18YRS and above? -Do you have the basic knowledge the access the internet? -WOULD YOU BE SINCERE AND PRUDENT WHEN YOU ARE GIVEN THIS OPPORTUNITY? -Are you willing to make money legitimately without so much stress? THIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY! INTERESTED IN THIS JOB OFFER? Then you would have to provide the following information. -YOUR FULL NAMES: -YOUR FULL ADDRESS:(which includes;house number,city,state,city/zip code and country) YOUR AGE/DATE OF BIRTH: -YOUR SEX/GENDER: -YOUR OCCUPATION: -YOUR CONTACT PHONE NUMBER(S) IMPORTANT WARNING: -PLEASE,SEND ALL REPLIES TO MY DIRECT EMAIL ADDRESS; [EMAIL PROTECTED] Hope to hear from you as you receive this proposal. Thank you and God bless you. Regards, JAMES HARRISON Director Stop e-mails, view our privacy policy, or report abuse: We haven't added your email address to any lists, nor will we share it with anyone at any time. Copyright 2007 Multiply Inc. 6001 Park of Commerce, Boca Raton, FL 33487, USA