Le lundi 06 aoC;t 2007 C  21:21 -0400, Stephan Andre' a C)crit :
> On Monday 06 August 2007 18:29:12 Matthieu Herrb wrote:
> > On 8/6/07, Frank Bax <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Just got a new Lenovo 8744-J2U laptop and installed the Aug.1 snapshot:
> > >
> > > vga1 at pci1 dev 0 function 0 vendor "ATI", unknown product 0x71d4 rev
> > > 0x00
> >
> > Oh and I forgot: this is a Mobility FireGL V5250, which is indeed not
> > supported by the current X.Org ati driver. It should be supported by
> > the new 'avivo'  driver, but this driver is not yet available for
> > OpenBSD.
> Matthieu,  I'm also looking at the Lenovo T60.  Is the avivo driver
> ready for use, and how much effort is there in incorporating it 
> into Xenocara?   I'd really like a new laptop--my A31p is old.
> Thanks, STeve Andre'

I tested the avivo driver running linux, it works fine with a firegl
5200 card. There is only one trouble with DPMS: the screen displays
something weird when it switches off then switches on.
Running openbsd stable, I use the vesa driver but there is no problem


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