On Sat, 4 Aug 2007, Andris wrote:

> Hi, I'm writing a set of small utilities as scripts, and I got a
> segmentation fault working on one of them.

I tried running your script but it did not produce any seg faults.
Do you have example input that causes a seg fault?


> The script is suppoused to align text with spaces. Say you have this file:
> Foo1\tFoo2
> Baaaaaaaaaaaar\tBar2
> Baz
> Where \t are horizontal tabs. My script would replace the tabs with an
> adequate number of spaces to align foo2 and bar2.
> Right now it works with a file named "file" in the working directory.
> Of course this is only temporal.
> The problem is that I get a segmentation fault when I run it. That
> never happened to me with a shell script. And I can't see where should
> be a problem.
> I'm running OpenBSD 4.1-stable, GENERIC, i386. I don't know if it's
> important, but I didn't create a swap partition (I'm planning to
> change this).
> If someone could light me, I'd be very grateful.
> Here is the script:
> #!/bin/sh
> IFS='
> '
> file=file
> for line in `< "${file}"`; do
>       fields=`printf '%s' "${line}" | sed 's/[^       ]//g' | wc -m`
>       fields=$((${fields} + 1))
>       if [ "${fields}" -eq 1 ]; then
>               printf '%s' "${line}"
>       else
>               for field in `jot "${fields}"`; do
>                       max_width=`cut -f "${field}" "${file}" | awk '{ l = 
> length($0); if
> (l > m) m = l } END { print m }'`
>                       width=`printf '%s' "${line}" | cut -f "${field}" | awk 
> '{ print
> length($0) }'`
>                       printf '%s' "`printf '%s' "${line}" | cut -f 
> "${field}"`"
>                       if [ "${field}" -lt "${fields}" ]; then
>                               for i in `jot "$((${max_width} - ${width}))"`; 
> do
>                                       printf '.'
>                               done
>                       fi
>               done
>       fi
>       printf '\n'
> done

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