Hi there,

What a crappy article. Whoever gives a sh*t about what that guy wrote, I don't know.

But that's just me.

For example, notice how he starts the article. The first paragraph is supposed to sound like a compliment but in fact it's an insult.

Tobias W.

On Aug 5, 2007, at 10:50 PM, chefren wrote:

OpenBSD Founder Theo deRaadt Has Conflict of Interest With AMD
  By David Marcus, 2007-08-05 03:41:29
  Section: Technology, Topic:

  I formerly had a great deal of respect, bordering on admiration, for
Theo deRaadt's refusals to compromise his open source principles, even in
the face of stiff opposition. Although he has occasionally gone
over-the-top, recommended some frankly very dubious changes to OpenBSD,
and is regularly arrogant (which is even more annoying because he's so
often right!), he's always remained consistent in his devotion to the
cause of GNU/Free Software.


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