Sigi Rudzio wrote:
2007/7/29, Jacob Yocom-Piatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
am working through a netboot install onto a sparc64 machine and noticed
that netboot != pxeboot and want to determine the minimum requirements
for netbooting.

so with netbooting it requires rarpd, tftp and NFS? not used to the NFS
it also requires rpc.bootparamd
requirement when pxebooting and usually just have dhcpd running. not
much of a stretch to add the NFS stuff but am surprised that bsd.rd
isn't sufficient to get the system going.

clues appreciated.
your sparc64 requests its IP address  via rarp, then gets the boot
loader ( from your rarp server via tftp.
The bootloader gets its root device from rpc.bootparamd and loads
bsd(.rd) from there via NFS.

AFAIK this works mostly the same way on many OpenBSD architectures
capable of netbooting, the thing which is often different is the way
the boot loader is loaded (vax: mopd, sparc(64): rarpd, hp300:
for more information, see diskless(8).

thx for the clarification. i've gotten it working and it wasn't so different from setting up diskless clients, which i've done on a few occasions. it is worth noting that the NFS mounting of the root partition is already compiled into the kernel.

thx for the offlist advice as well =).


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