On 7/28/07, Aaron Hsu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2007-07-25 01:13:41 -0500, "Karl Sjvdahl - dunceor"
> > I'm being hold a bit back when it says I can't even use the keyboard
> > on it on OpenBSD, that really sucks.
> Have you seen my report on my experiences on using the Macbook Pro with
> OpenBSD?
> <http://www.aaronhsu.com/AaronHsu.com/OpenBSD%20-%20Macbook%20Pro.html>
> --
> "No one could make a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he
> could do only a little." - Edmund Burke

Yes I have seen your article about if. That one is about Core Duo and
a Macbook Pro but I have a Core 2 Duo (that means 64-bit and not
32-bit as the Core Duo is) and a Macbook.

I have found some great information on the net and there has happend
some on both FreeBSD and NetBSD that has gotten most of the things to

I haven't got a USB-keyboard but I will probobly get one later today
so then I will do a try to install OpenBSD on it (about time because
I'm getting nuts on the crappy Mac OS X).

Thanks for the point though.


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