OK, to format a usb flash drive with an MS-DOS (FAT32) file system, I am 
using the following procedure.  First, I run fdisk

 # fdisk -i -e sd0

and edit the MBR partition table as described in the previous message.  
Then I run newfs_msdos

 # newfs_msdos -F 32 -u 63 /dev/rsd0i

(Is the "-u 63" option necessary?  I am just guessing that it is, since 
the number of sectors in the MBR partition was chosen to be an integer 
multiple of 63.)

This seems to work, but with one caveat.  If I run fsck_msdos on the new 
file system, it detects some problems.

 # fsck_msdos -n /dev/sd0i
 ** /dev/sd0i
 ** Phase 1 - Read and Compare FATs
 ** Phase 2 - Check Cluster Chains
 ** Phase 3 - Check Directories
 ** Phase 4 - Check for Lost Files
 Free space in FSInfo block (-1) not correct (125686)
 fix? no
 Next free cluster in FSInfo block (2) not free
 fix? no
 1 files, 502744 free (125686 clusters)

Am I doing something wrong?  Is this a bug in newfs_msdos or fsck_msdos?

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