On Tue, Jul 03, 2007 at 03:31:49AM +0200, Martin Toft wrote:
> I have run -current on my ThinkPad T41 laptop for nearly a year, and
> until now it has worked really well.  Recently I bought a new disk for
> the machine and in connection with this I reinstalled OpenBSD using the
> most recent snapshot and then updated the system to -current.  Unlike
> before, I now experience really bad performance.  I have tried to
> document this with a series of small tests.  The tests are run both on
> OpenBSD 4.1-current (GENERIC), checked out and built on July 1, and on
> KNOPPIX (V5.0.1CD-2006-09-25-DA), booted from CD.
> If you have any suggestions for tuning the performance of my system,
> please let me know.  Also, if the bad performance is due to some
> mistakes that I've made, please throw some bricks at me.
> You can browse the dmesgs and tests here: http://obsd.dk/bertha-tests
> Direct link to OpenBSD dmesg:
> http://obsd.dk/bertha-tests/dmesg.openbsd.txt
> Direct link to KNOPPIX dmesg:
> http://obsd.dk/bertha-tests/dmesg.knoppix.txt
> Situation: The laptop is called bertha.  I have a normal PC called kaffe
> that I use as remote end for the network benchmarks.  The two machines
> are connected through a 100 Mbps switch.
> Highlights:
> 1. When scp'ing the KNOPPIX .iso from kaffe to bertha:/dev/null running
>    OpenBSD, the transfer rate is only 4.4 MB/s.  When running KNOPPIX,
>    it's 9.9 MB/s.
> 2. Running OpenBSD, the disk's read rate is only 8.5-8.7 MB/s.  When
>    running KNOPPIX, it's 45-46 MB/s.
> 3. The numbers from "openssl speed" when running KNOPPIX are 5-12 times
>    higher than the numbers from running OpenBSD.
> 4. When doing a netcat TCP transfer at full speed (approx 11.6 MB/s)
>    from kaffe:/dev/zero to bertha:/dev/null running OpenBSD, the CPU is
>    only 18% idle. When running KNOPPIX, it's 77% idle.
> Martin

Include the output of 'atactl wd0' perhaps you have something like
caching turned off.  Also you can't hope for similiar results if
you use different programs on both systems.

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