Hi, > If enough packets are lost to prevent ARP from getting through, you > might see that.
Even if I use permanent ARP addresses, the problem continues to happen. One funny thing is that I had a shell window with an active successful ping to ftp.openbsd.org. In another window, after setting PKG_PATH to point to ftp ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/4.1/packages/i386/, I tried pkg_add lsof-4.77p0 and "No route to host". But when I tried ftp -a ftp.openbsd.org just immediately after, it got there.This kind of error occurs even on the internal interface. I noticed that when a connection is sucessfully established, packet loss stops. But with connectioless protocols like icmp and udp, for some reason errors are more frequent. My NICs are DGE-530T which use skc driver, which has had a record of problems in the past. I saw a lot of interrupts using systat vm with 1436 for skc0 and 1188 for skc1. Could that mean problem? Thanks. Regards, Jeff. -- Get a Free E-mail Account at Mail.com! Choose From 100+ Personalized Domains Visit http://www.mail.com today