
Just for the record, i know this is normal as we're tracking -current, but
we can't install/update packages on an installation updated with latests
snapshots (packages are lagging two weeks behind) :
Can't install screen-4.0.3p0: lib not found c.40.3
c.40.3: partial match in /usr/lib: major=41, minor=0 (bad major)
(noticed the nice message from pkg_add ?)

Btw, i'm NOT complaining !! I know i can still install/update through ports

Is there a scheduled packages build ? And last question, is it possible to
use/test FFS2 for root filesystem ? Will it be enabled someday by default in
installer, or even better, having the choice between FFS1/FFS2 ?
I tried a newfs -O2, but mounted partition still shows 'ffs' in mount
output... how can we verify the created partition is _real_ FFS2 ?

Thanks for your work,


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